The Facts About Granite, Quartz, Quartzite, and Marble


The Facts About Quartz

In this video, Chad will guide you through some facts about caring for your quartz countertops. Discover the benefits of our exclusive Della Terra Quartz collection, a man-made product composed of crushed quartz, pigments, and resin. Learn about its low porosity, resistance to staining, and the minimal maintenance...


The Facts About Marble

Join Chad Raymond, General Manager, as he takes you on a journey through the world of marble. Discover fascinating facts about this exquisite natural stone and learn why it’s a popular choice for kitchen countertops. Explore the unique variations in color, veining, and patterns that make each marble...


The Facts About Quartzite

Choosing the perfect countertop involves research and finding a beautiful and functional option. Join Chad, General Manager at Arizona Tile, as he shares interesting facts about durable quartzite countertops. Discover the key difference between quartz and quartzite, with quartzite being a naturally occurring stone formed over time. Learn...


The Facts About Granite

Join us as we explore the beautiful Tempe slab showroom and uncover fascinating facts about granite and granite countertops. Discover why granite is one of the hardest and most durable surfaces, perfect for busy kitchen and bathroom spaces. Learn about its heat resistance and the importance of sealing...